Monday, November 16, 2009

9 Months

Well my littlest love, it's hard to believe that you are 3/4 of a year old.    You have mastered crawling, and way too quickly moved on to standing.  I know it won't be long before you're taking your first few steps so we are going to enjoy this smaller range of mobility while we can! Even if it has made picture taking a bit more difficult...
You are a healthy eater just like Kelsea.  We go through 7-8 jars of food a day and you are still drinking 20 ounces of formula.  Which probably still explains those chunky thighs and round belly (which might actually be bigger than your head).

You still only have two teeth, but we hope more break through soon, because you don't seem too comfortable with the teething phase.  

You also don't like to nap at daycare (just like your sister).  Oh dear, I'm seeing a pattern.  We are thrilled when your activity sheet says you've napped for an hour, but more often than not it's less than that.

You still love the bath, Emily's toys, and shaking you booty (as Kelsea likes to call it).
And sometimes you smile like a pirate...aarrrhhh
But most of the time you have your mouth wide open
and we just love how we can always catch you with a smile


Cathy Bolander said...

Happy 9 Months baby girl! Love all the smiles. And can't wait to see you shake your booty. HeHe!

Megan said...

That is one gorgeous 9 month old! Happy 9 months.

J.J. Killins said...

i love it! 9 months, wow!