Monday, July 20, 2009

Three and a Half

You had a Half Birthday on Thursday and although your sister turned 5 months old that day, we are going to start with you, (being the oldest and all).  
What can I's late, I'm tired, and trying to eat dinner and blog at the same time!   Check back tomorrow for Lorelei's post.

Kelsea Rae Stats:  35 pounds, 40 inches tall
As these pictures show, you love being outside and are especially fond of the beach.  Although you did tell me tonight that you did not want to go on a boat because you were scared that it wouldn't bring you back home.  I have no idea where you got that idea from.  

I also made the mistake of telling you that the author of your tree book (The Giving Tree) is no longer here on Earth but is living in heaven (since you wanted to know all about the the man on the back of your book).  On the way home from school today you said you did not want to go to heaven like the man on the back of your tree book, because you can't take your pictures with you. I love that it's the pictures you are most worried about, and second to that was whether or not we would be there too.  

You are still as strong-willed and determined as ever.  You know what you want, and you work really hard to ensure you get it...even though you don't always do.  Your new favorite show is Back to the Barnyard, which makes Mommy and Daddy really happy since we actually enjoy watching it!  You love books, coloring, playing pretend and all things pink (still).  You only wear dresses and sometimes skirts.  Lorelei is going to have quite a few unworn shorts and pants handed down to her...hopefully she will wear them.  You still want to do everything yourself, to include opening up your own cheese stick (as your Aunt and Uncle discovered).

You are the sweetest big sister.  As soon as your sister starts crying you are the first to try and comfort her.  You sing songs to her, help feed, burp, and bathe her.   I can't remember a time I've seen you jealous or upset at her.  I am thoroughly amazed at your capacity to love her at this age.
Kelsea Rae, you are a constant reminder to us of what really matters. You force us to look at life in new and exciting ways.  Yes you challenge us, and often wear us all out, but we wouldn't want it any other way. We are looking forward to the next half of your fourth year.  We know it will be full of more love and surprises!


Cathy Bolander said...

VERY cute! She looks like such a big girl in those photos with Lorelei. I love the one of her alone looking down at the sand while she's walking. And love the photos of the girls together. Nice job! Can't wait to see Lorelei's post.

And seriously who needs sleep ;-)

Megan said...

I love this post. She is getting so big. This post makes me miss you!

J.J. said...

oh man i miss you guys. so sweet!

Sara said...

I recognize that dress. Love it