Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Ten on Tuesday

1. I have some catching up to do this post! Wallis and I got a bad case of stomach flu two weekends ago, and instead of downloading photos and editing them, I was confined to the couch, desperately trying to stay awake long enough to ensure Kelsea didn't harm herself (or Lorelei).

2. First up, Father's Day! We had a wonderful day and were very glad to have Wallis' Dad here to celebrate. Here's some of Kelsea and her Daddy. See the resemblance?
3. That afternoon we headed to my cousin Cari's High School Graduation Party. Congratulations Cari! And thanks to Aunt Robie for the photos!
4. Wallis and his Dad's Birthday was Thursday, his brother's was on Friday, and his Grandmother's was on Saturday. Happy Birthday everyone! Thanks Cathy for the yummy carrot cake recipe--it was a hit.
5. My little Octopus singing "The Slippery Fish" song at her end of school year performance. With as many times as we heard Kelsea practicing, it is safe to say that Wallis and I also could have stood up there and sung along.
6. Lorelei had her first meal of rice cereal two weeks ago. The first couple of times she was much more interested in sucking the spoon than what was actually on the spoon. Now she can't get enough of it! Next month-vegetables!
7. Wallis took Kelsea to see Ice Age III on Sunday. This one seemed to go over better with her than Up. Although the dinosaurs did scare her some.

8. Our ten year anniversary is Friday and we are having a STAYCATION. My parents are taking the girls Saturday & Sunday, while we vege out at the beach and sleep in! Nothing as exciting as what our friends are doing for their ten year on Friday, but looking forward to it nonetheless.

9. For our anniversary we got ourselves new computers. I got the 24 inch iMac and Wallis got the 20 inch (since he mostly uses his laptop from work). I'm a little worried about transitioning from PC to Mac but I can't wait for them to get here!

10. We are happy to report that Lorelei is (unofficially) done wearing her harness. The radiologist on Friday said everything looked normal (and that actually her last ultrasound looked fine too). We find out officially when we see her orthopedic surgeon on Friday. Yea!


Cathy Bolander said...

Love Lorelei grabbing your hand & spoon. And she looks like so tiny in Wallis' hands & it looks like Kelsea enjoyed the cake. Happy Birthday Wallis!

J.J. said...

happy early ten years! wow!