Thursday, April 16, 2009

Two Months

11 pounds, 3 0unces & 23.5 inches
In two months you have gained 4 1/2 pounds and 5 inches. You now coo & smile at us. You are only waking up once at night to eat, and you still take lots of naps during the day. You rolled over for the first time from your belly to your back (at the doctors office)-show off! :-)

The weeks at home with you are flying by. Time is precious. I wish I had more of it. But since I don't, I will spend these last 6 weeks holding, kissing, playing, singing & dancing with you more. I will spend less time worrying about what is not getting done on my endless list and spend more time just being with you.


Cathy Bolander said...

Very sweet. My favorite is the close up photo #2. I love that she still weighs less at two months than Jimmy did at one month. Really cute dress. And I totally agree about worrying about our to do lists less. I keep trying to do that too. Glad I'm not the only one.

J.J. Killins said...

goodness that is a sweet one. i know it goes fast. i remember alla AND fisher's two month photo shoots like they were YESTERDAY!

becky said...

Simply Darling!!

Megan said...

I think she looks more and more like Kelsea with every new picture on here. I can't get over it. She is precious.