Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Ten on Tuesday

1. Ask and you shall receive, Megan & Cathy. Here's a "family photo" taken by my Aunt Robie. Who btw is my hero...two days after the event I got a CD in the mail of all the photos she took!

2. Trust me, these cupcakes tasted as good as they look!
3. And the food was amazing (of course) thanks to my Uncle Dinato who did all the catering.
4. Here's a picture of the men, looking quite stylish in their pink ties and brown Chucks!
5. And the women are looking beautiful in their pink and brown dresses (that they will actually be able to wear again!)
6. Kelsea was entertained (for a few minutes anyway) dancing to the string quartet.
7. Well, here's what made it official...the marriage certificate. Which I mailed certified mail yesterday, so no worries Steve and Jennie that the marriage isn't "real."
8. Have I mentioned how happy I am for my brother?9. And for the first time in 30 years, I can say I have a sister. Sounds pretty nice.
10. Hard to believe it's been almost 9 years that Wallis and I have been married, and just over 39 years for my parents! Grow old along with me! The best is yet to be...R. Browning


Megan said...

Very nice. I love all the pictures. I can't believe it's almost 9 years either. Where has the time gone? It seems to go faster when kids are involved!

Cathy Bolander said...

You all looked so nice & SOOO happy. I'm very happy that you now have a sister... they're the best. 9 years of marriage. That's great. And really nice post.

J.J. said...

gorgeous dress miss KT!