Thursday, July 1, 2010

Wallis and Kelsea's Conversation

This was their conversation on the way to work this morning:

Dad, who made Disney? (we are going to Disneyland tomorrow for Wallis' Birthday)

-A man named Walt Disney.

Dad, who made the world?

-A guy by the name of God.

Oh. Where does God live?

-(had to think hard about this one and how to answer without

confusing her too much)

-He lives in your heart and in heaven.

Oh. Where is heaven and why does he live there?

-He likes living up there so he can see all of us.

And he can protect us?


Policeman protect us from witches in buildings and save us sometimes too.

-Yes, I guess they do.

When we go to Disneyland I don't want to have breakfast with those big puppets.

-Ok, we wont.

I love you dad. Im done talking now.


Cathy Bolander said...

HA! Kids really do say the dardest things.

Megan said...

I actually laughed out loud! So funny. She's so in tune with all of it, isn't she?